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As The “Golden” Era Seems To Come To An End, Brooklyn Republicans Should Feel Relieved

May 17, 2010

We learned something today that could dash the hopes of the GOPers seeking to reclaim the State Senate as their own.

Republican State Senator Tom Morahan will not seek reelection, posing a potentially serious blow to the attempts of the GOP to coalesce a fragile majority in the Senate come the November elections.

On the line is the guaranteed post-census redistricting that will come in the years after the election, which was increasingly being used as a motivating factor to galvanize Republicans statewide to support the party’s State Senate candidates.

And, even more importantly for us here in Brooklyn, the potential powerlessness of the Marty Golden regime in Brooklyn Republican politics.


Here is a portion of the letter from Senator Morahan indicting his intentions:


New York State Senator Thomas Patrick Morahan, who represents the residents of  Rockland County, as well as residents in the towns of Tuxedo and Warwick in Orange County, today announced that he would not be seeking reelection to the New York State Senate.

The Senator serves as Chairman of the Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Committee, Co-Chairman of the Senate’s Hudson Valley Delegation, and is a member of the bipartisan Senate Taskforce on Government Efficiency, which is presently investigating waste and in inefficiency within New York State agencies. For the past few months the Senator has been undergoing treatment for Leukemia. The Senator reaffirmed his intention to complete his current term of office, as he continues along the road to recovery.

He issued the following statement today regarding his reelection plans: “I love my job and serving my constituents.  Over the remaining months of my term it is my intention to devote my energy to working with my colleagues in government to pass the critical legislation that is needed to ensure that our State maintains critical services, and protects the quality of life for New Yorkers.


Why is this relevant to us?

It has enormous implications for those of us here in Brooklyn who have come to see how the needs of the entire county party have fallen to the wayside in order to elevate one elected official above all else: State Senator Marty Golden.

With its elaborate deals with Democrats and 19th century-era powerbrokering, the Brooklyn GOP has become, as we reformist Republicans have seen, a mere instrumentality of the Marty Golden regime.

Most people have said that the ends have justified the means, because Marty Golden’s status as one of the few Republican representatives in New York City has ensured that the balance of power did not totally shift to the Democrats.

The fallacious reasoning of this proposition became apparent when it was clear that the Senator was engaging in deals with Democrats to create the very environment which made him the only Republican in Brooklyn. As the 44th City Council race demonstrated, this “detente with Democrats” amounted to a political monopoly that has discouraged good candidates from seeking office.

The party’s stunning mismanagement of funds only furthered the symptoms of an oppressive Shore Road Syndrome, as it was clear that only Brooklyn GOP Chairman Craig Eaton, Senator Golden and their associates were benefiting from the resources of the party, while other districts were forced to, figuratively, join, or die their cabal.

All the while, political consultants only Thomas Nast could properly portray, were running amok, embarrassing the party and highlighting the divisions within the Kings County Republican organization.

In all, the Era of Marty Golden has been marred by some of the worst politics I’ve seen in all my years.

Now, granted, it is not impossible that the Republicans will retake the Senate. And with the disorder that has come with their loss of power, good arguments can be made that the Senate would do better under Republican stewardship. But as the task to take back the Senate becomes harder and harder, we must ask whether the party can, if they fail to retake the Senate, persist in allowing institutions like the Brooklyn GOP to continue their tactics without check.

Locally, of course, the challenge to these tactics has already begun.

But if Marty Golden’s district is no longer guaranteed post-census, can the Brooklyn GOP continue to argue (although they would never admit it in public) that preserving it over other seats in the borough is preferable?

The answer is, of course, no.

If this party is to survive in this borough (and state, for that matter), it will need to fundamentally change it ways from an outdated Golden/Eaton model of political patronage and symbiosis with the Democratic Party to a daring, bold alternative to the status quo politics of the opposition. That means not talking in terms of “liberal” and “conservative” but rather thinking about how best to reform government and improve the lives of New Yorkers. People are tired of the same old politics and no longer trust the party system to deliver results in its current form.

What is clear is the alleged Tammany Hall of Bay Ridge cannot save the Republican Party in Brooklyn, no more than the Tammany tactics of the Democratic Party can save it.

To start with, our party cannot pretend to represent a borough it does not fully embrace.

Even now, the Brooklyn GOP has ceded so much to its rivals that some of the greatest of skeptics have begun to wonder if the tiny Andorra of Bay Ridge is worth it all.

And the growing consensus is that it isn’t. Numerous emails have come to us indicating as much.

So, as we contemplate the future of the GOP in the State Senate, we cannot forget that, without fundamental changes in the way this party operates, the attempts of saving our local party will fail.

Now, we already see a revolution brewing in Brooklyn. The old tyrants of the Bay Ridge Cabal are, to reticent younger and middle-aged Republicans, what King George and Marie Antoinette were to the citizenry of the American Colonies and France respectively.

Or worse, they are merely irrelevant.

And that is, in the end, the biggest problem of all for the leaders of the Brooklyn GOP. When your political base considers you irrelevant, the time has come for you to go.


I believe the Golden Era, where the Bay Ridge Cabal ruled the Brooklyn GOP unchecked, is now, at long last, coming to an end. That might frighten the political dinosaurs of that lot and some politicos upstate and elsewhere, but the rest of us in Brooklyn should sigh in collective relief.

Because, at the very least, “Brooklyn” does not equal “Bay Ridge” anymore.


I realize not everyone will agree with my view, but I invite you to go through our archives and see our previous reporting on the failings of the current Brooklyn GOP leadership. Look at what this borough has suffered as a result of the present reign of GOP leaders. Then, it will be clear to you, as it has been for me for a while now, that drastic changes are necessary. And, of course, share your thoughts with us! – FD

  1. Golden Goose permalink
    May 17, 2010 5:45 pm

    I was one of those people who liked Marty Golden. I am also one of those people who want the Republicans to keep the state senate. I agree with you Francisco that things in the Brooklyn Republican party are out of control, and Marty is partially if not entirely to blame. If November goes south for the GOP in the state, Marty’s finished. Marty himself will probably be reelected, but it won’t matter if the GOP loses statewide. That happens, the whole house of cards fall down and people like us will be responsible for building it up.

  2. Death of a Thousand Cuts permalink
    May 17, 2010 11:12 pm

    Maybe Golden’s world ends with a little bang and a bit of a whimper.

    With his dealings with the 68th precinct strained because of the Kettle Black screw-ups, was that really our dearest State Senator having another very public run in with the local constabulary recently?

    Our listening post at Nathan’s Finest was front row for a fender bender involving an upscale set of wheels and a police cruiser. “Somebody” in the upscale was distracted or unable to judge distances well, because there really is no excuse for bumping into a police car stopped for a bagle run or for some piping hot java. Of course there may be a more nefarious explanation of the urge to merge vehicles.

    Soon after the minor scrape, four or five NYPD vehicles came along for moral support, up to including one of the precinct’s rajahs. Once the local brass had arrived, a familiar looking Bay Ridgeite emerged from his pricy cocoon looking very state senatorial and little the worse for wear.

    It may not have been reported, it may not have happened, and our spy in Nathans might just have had some bad sauerkraut on her house specialty.

  3. End The Madness permalink
    May 18, 2010 4:49 am

    The Eagle’s version of the Lincoln Dinner

    • Madness Has Just Begun in Brooklyn GOP permalink
      May 18, 2010 12:03 pm

      Yeah, notice how no numbers were given of how many people attended? I think that says it all.

  4. Gerry O'Briens Corroded Artery permalink
    May 18, 2010 7:22 am

    Marty is an old man. He needs to retire to Shore Hill and relax.

  5. Sexy Republicana permalink
    May 18, 2010 12:06 pm

    This is one of the most succinct, well written pieces yet! It captures everything! It reminds me of why I’ve staying with you guys, reading your blog from the beginning! 😉

  6. End The Madness permalink
    May 18, 2010 2:39 pm

    Hey Atlas! Do you know how many states there are in the US?

  7. Bernie Kerick and Marty Golden's Records? permalink
    May 18, 2010 7:53 pm

    Did anybody bother to read this old column/blog by Erik Engquist?
    January 10, 2005

    “Amid the hubbub over Bernie Kerik, at least one Brooklyn Democrat has come to believe the former commissioner had a hand in the (unproven) disappearance of personnel records of State Senator Marty Golden that explained Golden’s departure from the police force 25 years ago.
    The source claimed the records were ordered destroyed by Rudy Giuliani to smooth the path for Golden’s election victory over Vinny Gentile, who had challenged Golden to release them.
    Sounds a little far-fetched, no? The idea that a mayor and police commissioner would conspire to commit a felony to help Golden, who was likely to win the race anyway, is a bit hard to swallow. No one has even shown that these supposedly damaging records ever existed, let alone that they were tampered with or shredded.
    Golden has always maintained he left the force because of a severe knee injury sustained chasing a suspect …[b]ut…he’s a continuing target for innuendo and conspiracy theories….”

    Well now that Bernie Kerik has been sent up the river, maybe it all isn’t so “far fetched,” Mr. Engquist. And Erik, just why do you think it might be that Marty Golden a continuing target for innuendo and conspiracy theories?

    Could it be that Marty Golden never released his “disability retirement” and other police records?

  8. The Signs of the Times permalink
    May 18, 2010 10:56 pm

    Sestak beats Spector.

    Rand Paul a breakaway winner.

    Blanche Lincoln faces runoff.

    Establishment candidates generally faired poorly, but Democrat holds Murtha’s seat.

    All of this makes for bad bad kharma for Marty Golden and the Republican NYS State Senate prospects.

  9. Cipriano Becoming a Force in the 49th permalink
    May 19, 2010 6:38 pm

    Is the Peter Cipriano balloon ready to take off, even with his friend and advisor the “American Mohammad” still on board?

    All is forgiven, or is that forgaotten, by the KCRP, “All hail, the conquering hero of the 49th!”

    Maybe, Craig Eaton and Anthony Testaverde like the campaign’s theme song “Going to A Town” by Rufus Wainwright so much, they’ll sing backup like it’s an episode of “Glee.”

  10. Nick permalink
    May 19, 2010 11:38 pm

    The great Niccolo Machiavelli has some sage advice for the Prince and the Duke of Bay Ridge: give up now and get out.

    To quote: “Those who become Princes on their own with small effort have difficulty keeping their Princedom; on the way, they experience no hardship, only once they have won do they run into trouble. Such are those who take a state by buying it or by special concession — as happened in Greece, in the Hellespont and Ionia, where Darius made Princes and Satraps to maintain his security and glory. This also happens where officers corrupt the soldiers with money and set up military rule.

    “Such rulers depend on the will and fortune of others, always volatile and unstable. They do not know how to be Princes and cannot become Princes. They do not know how because they are not men of great enterprise or virtue, and, as private figures, they do not know how to command. They are incapable because they have no loyal and friendly forces of their own. Besides, like all things born too suddenly in nature, they have no roots and branches, so at the first adversity they die. If those suddenly raised to power have no virtue besides what they have from fortune, they fall. Only those with virtue know how to conserve what has been given them and can make up afterwards what others have from the start.”

    The Duke bought his fiefdom from the Prince (over $20,000 I believe), and the Prince bought his fiefdom from the Democrat and Conservative Kings. They bribe their district leader satraps with BOE jobs for themselves and their families, desperately holding on to power they don’t deserve nor are capable of keeping for long. They punish dissent, but further isolate themselves into irrelevancy by doing so. Just give it up guys, maybe you’ll get a decent night’s sleep again, or learn how to smile without sniveling.

  11. 68th Precinct Accident Report permalink
    May 22, 2010 10:06 am

    Sources on the inside of the NYPD say that there is a report of an incident and MVA involving State Senator Marty Golden and a police car.

    Strangely, the “official” description of the accident that was reported to have happened at around the same time, doesn’t resemble what was described as happening across from Nathans.

    What’s going on?

    May 22, 2010 11:36 pm

    The Daily Gotham reports that in the Democratic Primary race to replace Republican Marty Golden in the State Senate, the young and enthusiastic Mike DiSanto has picked up several valuable endorsements, such as: Brooklyn Democrats for Change, Lambda Independent Democrats, the Jim Owles Liberal Democratic Club and the American Heritage Democratic Organization of Bay Ridge.

    This is significant because these Democratic organizations represent a large enough combined membership to guarantee a fullscale ptitioning effort for Mr. DiSanto.

    Things remain quiet for the “campaign” of Claudio DeMeo.

  13. Marty Greets Scandinavian Beauties! permalink
    May 23, 2010 6:26 am

    Click to access bayridgeeaglenews.pdf

  14. The Eagle Puts That on Page One! permalink
    May 23, 2010 8:54 am

    A puff piece about State Senator Martin Golden gets “Page One” with a photo, but the same State Senator being at the Kettle Black within hours after his relatives have been charged with serious crimes there–that gets no coverage whatsoever in the Brooklyn Eagle or the Bay Ridge Eagle. Golden’s being at the Kettle Black at the same time there is an attempt to destroy the security video at the the Kettle Black, that’s no story either, even if the person who reported that was in charge of the video system.

    Marty Golden’s run-ins with police cars, with the possibility of false reporting by everyone involved, why look into that?

    If the news don’t fit no need to acquit!

  15. Does Marty Golden Matter? permalink
    June 5, 2010 9:14 pm

    It’s been said over and over that Craig Eaton is a dictator. Even if that’s true, who cares?

    It’s been said over and over that Craig Eaton is irrelevant. That’s probably true, but why bother to argue about it, over and over?

    Some have said that Craig Eaton exists as Republican County Leader solely at the sufferance of State Senator Marty Golden, who could probably have him replaced at almost anytime. Since Marty Golden is getting exactly what he wants out of Craig Eaton, Eaton is as okay as anybody else. A bigger issue is that nobody cares enough to do much about it, one way or the other.

    The issue really is not whether Craig Eaton is irrelevant to the Brooklyn GOP, it’s whether Marty Golden is relevant to the Brooklyn GOP or anybody else. Frankly, it seems that if he wins, that’s okay; or if he loses, that’s okay, too. Why get worked up about it? Leave that to people who have candidates to support against Golden.

    Why does any Republican voter in New York really need a Republican Senate majority, now or for the foreseeable future? Most Republicans in New York State live perfectly productive lives without any Republican to represent them. Except for Marty Golden, we have none in solely in Brooklyn, so why do we need him?

  16. Good Point permalink
    June 5, 2010 9:36 pm

    Good point. Do we really need Marty Golden? Most Republicans in New York State do live perfectly productive lives without any Republican to represent them. Everyone should vote for Golden’s opponent; with a new Democratic State Senator in the Majority the 22nd Senatorial District will be better off. Some huge benefits will include more pork for that district, no more rubber chicken awards,and best of all NO MORE CRAIG EATON!

  17. Does Craig Eaton Really Want to Keep Golden In Office? permalink
    June 19, 2010 1:01 pm

    Why else would Craig Eaton have the following as part of his wallpaper quote on the Brooklyn GOP Web page,

    “…The founding fathers never envisioned American government as a special permanent class of officeholders….”

    Perhaps a more significant indicator, no support for State Senator Martin J. Golden’s re-election effort is anyhere to be found on the presenting “Home” page of that site, nor any of the other listed pages of the site. Even the link to Marty Golden’s site is to out-of-date or questionable material.

    The question begs, is Craig Eaton part of a secret GOP “Dump Maty Golden Campaign”?

    Then, Craig, why so shy about Marty? Is it something the rest of us don’t know about?

    • "...secret GOP "Dump Marty Golden Campaign" permalink
      June 19, 2010 1:07 pm

      The penultimate paragragh in the above post should have read:

      “The question begs, is Craig Eaton part of a secret GOP ‘Dump Maty Golden Campaign’?”


      “The question begs, is Craig Eaton part of a secret GOP ‘Dump Maty Golden Campaign’?”

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